Program title: Trout in the Classroom (TIC)
Overview: This program allows students to raise rainbow trout eggs in the classroom and release young trout into a local watershed. This process provides students the opportunity to learn about fish biology, science observation, watersheds, and environmental stewardship. This is a collaborative project between California Department of Fish and Wildlife and local sponsor organizations, including SCMBAS and the City of Santa Cruz, to provide logistic and educational support to local teachers and their students.
Email us if you are a teacher interested in participating in TIC in future years!
Current program leader/contact: Megan Sabal
Upcoming events: 
  • Teacher training workshop Sat February 3rd, CBB 110, 9-3
  • Egg Delivery, early March
  • Trout Release, late April
  • “Conserving Salmon with Hatcheries” Seminar in partnership with Cabrillo College Natural History Club, Spring, Date TBA
  • 2017, served 2 teachers, began collaborating with CDFW to serve local teachers in the SC area
  • 2018, we are expanding the number of teachers served!