Program title: Monthly Newsletter Series: Species of the San Lorenzo River

Overview: In June 2017 our subunit began contributing to monthly newsletters by the Coastal Watershed Council, a local nonprofit that works to connect communities to their watersheds. Our articles focus on one species per month in the largest river in Santa Cruz county, the San Lorenzo. Topics so far include lamprey, tidewater goby, and largemouth bass. In the future we would like to integrate other taxa such as birds, plants, and amphibians.

Would you like a chance to share your research with the public? Contact Liam Zarri ([email protected]) and tell me about your species of interest!

Current program leader/contact: Liam Zarri

Partners: Coastal Watershed Council



  • June 2017 – L. Zarri connects with CWC staff
  • September 2017 – SCMBAS members are brought on as additional writers; L. Zarri is made executive editor of the series and liason between SCMBAS and CWC